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If you've ever been curious about microdosing but don't know where to start- good news- we have you covered.

Anxiety, depression, and depletion are oh so common, and although learning how to microdose won't make the causes of your feelings go away, it can give you a moment of pause- a breath to choose- how you'd like to respond to your life. Learn how this powerful medicine can help you disrupt the patterns that keep you stuck and instead choose a different path forward.

This one-night intensive is with the magnificent Andrea Shuman, Ayurvedic practitioner and founder of Mycrodrops, a line of microdosing products. This woman Knows. Her. Shit. In this intensive + Q&A, she'll cover how to choose a protocol and find your proper dose, what to expect when you start (Will you get high? Will you be able to drive your kids or go to work?), and why this can be such a transformational and empowering tool for your mental well-being. In this world, we need all of the support we can get, and Andrea is here to help with her extraordinary wisdom and insight into this powerful resource.

Links to each week's course plus additional in-depth information can be found by clicking this cute little button below. Can't make it? No worries! After each live class, the recordings of the class can be found in the associative module and will be available for one month.

For the class—no prior knowledge of plant medicine is required. If you have specific questions, make sure to write them down ahead of time so you don't forget! We'll make sure to leave time to answer anything that comes up for you.

Meet Your Instructor: Andrea Shuman

Her background, her philosophy, and her approach to this course.

Follow her on Instagram: @mycrodrops Check out her work: www.mycrodrops.com

Andrea has been in the holistic health field since 1997 as a bodyworker, Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist, Master Herbalist, and product creator and formulator. 

Andrea is also a pattern seer, an activist, a Mother, and a cycle-breaker.

With an affinity for life transitions and women's blood mysteries as sacred rights of passage that require understanding and respect at a societal level, Andrea endeavors to be part of the change to help bring about an end to colonial mentality and patriarchal business practices around plant and fungi medicines and return to a world where our elders bring the young ones into community responsibility with grace, knowledge, and love for the Earth and all her blessings.